Halfway Home
The lighting in the film extract is low key lighting as many back lights have been used to soften the scene where he is putting hot water in the cup and then when the close up happens there is a top lighting is happening on the person face to make his features more outstanding; also used is under lighting to produce a distorted effect to help the audience with the enigma codes.
Furthermore in the next scene there is a lot of back lights used to create a silhouette and to cover his facial features so this goes from light to dark to show that he has a evil and good so this is good vs evil a binary opposition which was shown by Propp.
The night sky line is used as a back ground to make the person stand out more to the audience so the enigma codes are bought up again and this makes the audience ask who is this person and why is he being portrayed as the only person in this film.

This still image has one main light and that is back lighting to show that it is creating good and bad side to the person also the bullet in his hand is reflecting in a way to us to show that he has done something bad. His facial expression are shown to be deceiving as he look distressed about what he has done.
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