Monday, 26 March 2012

analyse advert easter homework with a bit more because i was away.

Media Forms: What techniques does the advert use to establish  engage the audience?
Camera shots: close ups, long shots to show the whole scene

 Lighting: high key lighting

Misc-en-scene: whiteSounds: Julie Andrews- my favorite things- sound of music  

Editing: continuity editing

In this advert they do not use many techniques but use some techniques such as camera shots like a long shots as they are used to show the whole scenes, this makes it easier for the audience to see what the actors are doing and what they are constructing from the cake. Also they have used close ups to show the determination of the actors which is shown from their facial expression in the first shot of the advertisement, this engages the audience as they also connect with the actors are more determined to find out what is happening next.

The lighting that is used throughout the advert is high key lighting which means more filler lights have been used. Furthermore the effect shows that it is more realistic as it is a work environment in factory with the audience can relate to and identify (uses and gratifications). 

The misc-en-scene is also made of the colour white; white is a powerful colour which connotes many different types of meaning  but for this advert it can show that cake making and car making are the same so it shows the audience that it is a simple job to create a car and it is simple to use.

Also the sounds or music as I should convey that has been used is as non diegetic music which has been edited in to the  back ground is Julie Andrews song from Sound of music, which could engage audience as it can have a positive nostalgic effect as it can help the older members to remember the good old times, the smile of Julie Andrews. 

The edits that have been used is a montage sequence this means shots being placed next to each other but not following a necessary linear narrative but the shots convey a message through the advert to the audience for example the message which is conveyed through this advert is that a lot of hard work is needed to build a car.    

Media Institutions: In what ways is the extract typical of the television industry and values does it promote?

The television advertisement is typical of this television industry which is a public service broadcaster (BBC), a public service broadcaster which means that the public pay a license fee to the government to fund a few channels in agreement so that the audience are inform,educate and entertain and it is short and sweet to show that they will not be overrun with advertisements so will not miss any other programme they will like to watch on the programme and the public or the audience are paying for something they want. 

Also the advertisement is not very long so the television industry doesn't fully inform the audience what the programme is about as it shows a man pressing a button and some music in the background and this shows that the audience nothing, in this perspective, the television industry (BBC) should extend the advertisement but also a short advert will create suspense which the television industry wants as it will increase the audience ratings as more people will want to watch it.

Media Representations: How is sexuality represented in the extract? (0:53-1:11)

The women in the video are represented to  be sexually appealing as they are dressed in scantily clad clothing which portrays the idea of the male gaze (Laura Mulvey) which means that men get a visual pleasure from seeing women just half naked this shows that the sexuality is represented negatively.

Also the man standing in the middle shows that he is the main man of the music video and the man wearing black and white clothing as it shows he is some sort of importance and it sets up patriarchal ideology which means that Snoop Dogg is the male dominant and thinks he rules women. 

Media Audiences: Who does this brand appeal to?

This brand appeal mostly to men who are looking for a female companion, although there is a website in the end of 'Facebook' which is connecting the advertisement to go viral, which will attract a more globalized audience( uses and gratifications) through Facebook as Facebook is a network which is used around the world. As in recent events Twitter has been a big platform for starting revolutions (Arab spring) it makes it more current and is seen as a big platform. And making audiences want to support lynx as it doesn't need much effort from them.

This also appeals to men who come from the socio economical class of C1 and C2 as it shows a man working to please someone and the C1 and C2 are men who are middle class and do building jobs and this could help them identify and relate as they are always trying to please someone to get anything. Furthermore the psycho-graphics that they fall into is aspires as they wanted to get anything by aspiring to be someone.  

Kony 2012: what techniques does the text use to engage the audience?

Kony 2012 uses a wide range of media terminology to engage their audience. A technique which is used throughout the text is a voice-over of man, this portrays dominant ideology of man who lives in a patriarchal society but the voice-over also deals with the idea of Americanisation as the man is american so portrays the idea of hegemonic values and this is brought forward as America is a dominant global supervisor which everyone is influenced by so this engages the audience to believe in the voice over as he is American.

On the other-hand, the voice over also anchors the image leading the audience to follow the voice-over view of the images, it also gives the audience; a sense of reliability and trust as the relationship with the narrator and audience is built throughout the text which helps them to identify with him as he is shown as a family man and father figure.

Another technique which has been used is non diegetic sound which is parallel to the images as the images used match to the music for example sad and slow music for the beginning, this leads to enigma codes created by the  Barthes, question being create in the audience head of why this text has been shown. But linking to the idea of enigma codes, it could connect to the narrative theory which was introduced by Todorov as he believed that every piece of text has a equilibrium and in this text it has a equilibrium which then hits and disequilibrium, which then leads to a resolution where they try to achieve peace and harmony

In the beginning, a picture of a world has been shown to show  the audience that belong in a world among other people this links to the video on YouTube of a women hearing herself for the first time, this shows globalised we are this connects with the idea of Mc Luhan as he believed that we live in a global village and it is also shown that the 'share' button on YouTube that the audience is pressurised or injected to share the text via social networking which shows the hypodermic needle being used to push or syringe information into a person head.

Leading back to social networking , the Facebook timeline is shown to the audience to give a feeling of the Zeitgeist; the spirit of the age. Social Networking has been very powerful and very viral throughout the years, as it has been used to create riots or even start a new revolution called the 'Arab Springs' where many different countries try to regain their say in their government and not to live in such a strict environment where the government has a say only.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

KONY 2012


  • Codes & Conventions: What techniques does Kony 2012 ad use to persuade the audience to donate some money to the foundation?
The colours of the poster used in the advertisement is red. Red connotes hot. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. The colour, red also links in what director is like as he is a passionate about saving the children and making the world a better place for his own children to live in, Unlike Joseph Kony who links in with a negative representation of red which is violence and war, he also creates catastrophic environment to keep his power. This able the audience to have a view that the director and voice-over wants to help to keep the Uganda in order and save the younger generation.       

The voice-over also is the director who published the video. He is also anchoring the moving images to help audience to understand what the advertisement is about and explains what the image is about and voice-over are normally called the voice of god as for the audience it sounds like someone from above is speaking to them and makes them believe that is what they should be listening to.  

Also they show multiple of screen projectors at 21:44 at the beginning of the extract showing projection screens explaining to the audience how we; the audience can help and then the screens collapsed into a newspaper for the future capturing Joseph Kony to show the audience that is what they are aiming to do.  
  • Representation: How is the ethnicity represented in the Kony 2012 ad?
Ethnicity is represented in two ways as there is binary opposition proposed in the advert for Kony as this is Levi Strauss and in the advertisement it shows that black and whites who are normally contrasted against each other are joining together. This could have a effect of identification and nostalgic effect as a uses and gratification theory of Blummer & Katz  on a older audience as they remember the times of segregation and when blacks and whites were not allowed to associated with each other.

But in other light it shows good v/s evil, that Joseph who is black is shown to be a evil and bad who kidnaps kids plus a villain in a way which portrays Vladimir Propp of characters theory   this could relate back to the audience as they have been stereotyped in the advertisement as other people will think they are all the same. Furthermore the whites have been shown to be on the good side or the hero as he or them trying to say them.        
  • Media Institution: How is the brand image of Kony promoted in the advertisement?
The brand image promotes of Kony is promoted of going viral as it has been deployed in many  countries such as the top countries where the countries could help Uganda in the search of Kony and the countries which helped it go viral or helped it to globalized. Globalization is a another uses and gratification theory which allows media text or any type of text to go global in which this video has it has been published and taken action in many countries such as London, USA, Europe and China.

Another way, that the brand of stopping Kony is promoted is by having the support of celebrities such as Angelina jolie and Rihanna and they promote the stop Kony via twitter and hash tagging which also spreads the message fast and quicker than print like posters and it is also easier to share or comment on it and this is why the riots in London and Arab countries happened.      
  • Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does the Kony 2012 advert trying to appeal to?
The Stop Kony advert appeals to the all types of ages as the director is trying to inform and educate everyone who kony is and why he is around and he shows and example of this by educating his own son about who Joseph Kony is.   

The socio-economic class that this mostly appeals to is ABC1 as they can take more action as they are more qualified and entitled to say in the community as they earn more and can do a lot more to save the planet from like Kony.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Interim Targets

Interim Targets

4 Targets

Exam Based:
1) Learn all my case study thoroughly 
-by using different revision techniques to which are suitable for me

2) Include more theories as my theory is limited 
- revise over theorists name and mention the theorist more often in my answers

Coursework based
3)Keep to the deadlines of my coursework so I can get improvements 
- by being more organised 


Link back to the question 
-by doing more pass papers.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Big bad wolf

Question 1:
There are many different types of techniques that are use to persuade the audience to purchase and consume the guardian, as the first scene is of the fire and the stove which reminds us of a childhood stor of the three little pigs and the story is based on the three little pigs, this portays the idea of the non realism to the audience as the story is make belief and that we lead the audience to think that the guardian is make belief and is untrustworthy but the fire connotes the ideas of hot and fresh news and the guardian get the first insight in to the story.

Leading on to the next shot where the audience see a the newspaper mock-up and this is also links to the end shots as the news has been  shown in a different format for example new technology like 'twitter' and in different media forms as website, print and available on phones which is shows that the newspaper is portable for the audience; as the news is being shown to the audience as it is able to be viewed anywhere and at anytime.

The police also play a big part in the advertise of the guardian advertisement as they are shown using guns and lasers as they are usually shown as a phallic symbol, this makes the audience think that they are meant to voyeur over the police as they are all men so meant to have the 'male gaze' which is Laura Mulvey's idea for women to look at men in a sexual way. Contradicting that some people hate the police and call them 'pigs' and which is humorous as they have situate the police with pigs.

Question 2:
The newspaper is being represented to be unreliable as they don't know who blew the house, but also show the audience that every story has two sides and they should listen to everybody point of view and opinion so this shows the audience that the guardian can be reliable and non reliable at the same time as they will also counter argue what they have to say by providing two sides to the story.

Furthermore, the news is being represented to be gone viral, throughout cross media;Tv advertising, e-media and print, to show many ways of  purchasing a guardian newspaper for example trending on twitter in different languages to help some of the audience identify with the language but some of  the audience may identify with the problems for example the finacnial problems which portrays a sense of normality and realism       .
Question 3:
An issue of new technology that this ad raises, that technology is more advance and is still improving and now that print is in decline; therefore it is vanishing into e media, but as print was a lean backwards media. e media is a lean forward piece of media where the viewer gets more interacted and they get more interactive and want to read more.     

Question 4:
The news advertisement is trying to appeal to a younger audience by involving e media to a different type of way to consume a broadsheet newspaper and once the younger generation have read it they will also discuss it on social networking such as Facebook and twitter, this is creating interactivity a way to keep the reader interested and amused and that is why today generation is more PC- literate than using a pen or paper.